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Infinite Skills - Learning Autodesk 3DS Max 2013
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  • Codecs and player for playing mp4-files.

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Learning 3ds Max 2013 Training Video
A Practical 3DS Max Training Course That Teaches Real World Skills
In this project-based Learning 3ds Max 2013 video tutorial series, you'll quickly have relevant skills for real-world applications.
Follow along with our expert instructor in this training course to get:

  • Concise, informative and broadcast-quality 3ds Max 2013 training videos delivered to your desktop

  • The ability to learn at your own pace with our intuitive, easy-to-use interface

  • A quick grasp of even the most complex 3ds Max 2013 subjectsbecause they're broken into simple, easy to follow tutorial videos

Practical working files further enhance the learning process and provide a degree of retention that is unmatched by any other form of 3ds Max 2013 tutorial, online or offline... so you'll know the exact steps for your own projects.


Duration: 18.5 hours - 152 tutorial videos
Date Released: 2012-07-23
Format: Download
Instructor: Steve Nelle


Robert, US
I appreciate the help the support team provided with the installation on my computer. The tech spent well over three hours trying to get the product installed and the licensing handled. We went through numerous restarts and they always responded promptly after I sent a password for the remote access to my computer. I will highly recommend your company to others for software purchase. Thanks again.
Johnny Atle, NO
I'm very happy with the way everything went during buying and installation. Everything went smooth and the guidance video was very helpful and easy to understand.
Kerry Kracht, US
Once again, please let me thank you for your prompt and attentive service. I look forward to working with your company in the future. Sincerely, Kerry Kracht